Sand County Players
~ Since 1977
SCP Fall 2024 Show
Squirrel Lake
by Brian Mitchell
In a place called Squirrel Lake, you’re bound to meet a nut or two! Phil, Sally, and Patrick gather at their family’s summer home on the shores of Squirrel Lake, Wisconsin, to read their recently deceased mother’s will. Through a series of unfortunate misunderstandings, they all become convinced that the neighbor claiming to be a nun is actually a prostitute. Meanwhile, Phil has accidentally helped his law firm swindle the nun’s mother out of her house in Chicago, the nun’s brother, Lance, is insane and seeking revenge, and Patrick has a stalker in the form of his boss’s daughter, who also happens to be a psychic sent by the deceased mother to act as the vehicle of her will. Sally’s husband, Bob, is a walking accident, and their children are completely out of control. When the family decides that the nun/prostitute is possibly carrying Bob’s child, things get a little out of hand! In the end, Squirrel Lake proves that even the unlucky in life can find happiness and contentment if they simply look for the gifts given to them.
A wooden cabin in the wilds of Wisconsin set on the edges of Squirrel Lake, in the deep woods, well off the beaten path
'The present.​​​​​
Tickets on sale
October 12, 2024
The Dellwood Pavilion
Friendship, WI
Phillip Olsen . . . . . . .40-year old Chicago lawyer, divorced with no children
Patrick Olsen . . . . . . Phillip's younger brother. Single, works at Captain Happy's Burger Barge
Sally Olsen . . . . . . . . . The middle sibling. She is a soccer mom to 4 kids, married to Bob.
Bob King . . . . . . . . . . . Sports journalist for the Chicago Tribune, married to Sally. Lives and dies by the Chicago Cubs
Sister Mary Elizabeth Catherine Theresa . . . A nun, sister to Lance
Detective Lance Hardy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago police detective currently bordering on a nervous breakdown.
Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Captain Happy's daughter. Has a serious crush on Patrick.